CZ Shadow 2 Compact Ultimate Guide - Review, Build List, and much more!
2016 was a year of disruption, we elected our first non-career-political, Donald Trump as well as CZ released the CZ Shadow 2. Even as of this writing, the Shadow 2 (S2) remains one of the top choices for competition. Why? It is arguably one of the easiest guns to shoot… it feels great in the hands, trigger is forgiving, and incredible splits can be achieved. As its been around as long as it has, the S2 had a massive and highly supportive aftermarket and as such, you can talk this platform to an even higher level!
Fast forward to 2024, CZ decided to not re-invent the wheel… but chose to roll out a compact version for the enthusiast. They kept all the amazing attributes of the S2 such as the action and general ergonomics. where it differentiates from its big brother is in a shorter barrel and frame (4” vs 4.9”), grip length (15rds mags vs 17rds), as well as having an aluminum frame. The net result, a high performing pistol fit for everyday carry at 27oz.
Seeing as how I have a good amount of time on the platform, I’ll share a variety of information based on my time with my Shadow 2 as my main competition gun and what differentiates the two in the video below. Later on, I will follow this video up with several more including a 1000rd review to see what ownership and reliability is like, a shoot out between the Sig P365 AXG Legion vs the Daniel H9, and finally… taking this gun from Good to Great by upgrading it to competitive spec. In fact, I have already ordered all the parts and have the list below!
My Build List with Links… Good To Great (CCP Below)
Gun - CZ Shadow 2 Compact - See best Prices Below!
Trigger Package
Grips & Other
Spring Setup - Cajun Gun Works
11lb Recoil (BLUE) - Dont forget to get the Uncaptured Guide Rod below
IDPA CCP Build List
*** Please Note the list below are only the items either added or substituted form the Good to Great list above ***
Magwell - LOK Grips - CZ Shadow 2 Compact - Aluminum Magwell
Requires Profiling (filing down) the sides to meet IDPA Width
Basepads - LOK Grips - CZ Shadow 2 Aluminum +0 Basepads
Requires Significant Trimming the bottom side to fit with Stock 15rd Magazines - I took it down to where the Machining around the plug was flush
Spring Setup - Cajun Gun Works
11lb Recoil (BLUE) - Same as above, but with 2 Coils removed
Mag Brake - Springer Precision CZ 75 Compact Magazine Brake
I added this after I broke the factory one, didn’t mention this in the video.
If you’d like to see run Matches with this gun… Check out my Instagram account… yes my account is private as I just want to share info on there to my audience and not whomever… so just request and I’ll accept!